Wednesday 10 August 2011

New Boy........

First of all i must thank sheila for this lovely boy who arrived today from america in just under a week. I wasnt looking for a new model but while just browsing ebay (with no intention of buying anything !) i saw his lovely face and couldnt resist....hes got badly falling hair with lots of missing plugs, so im sure esme will like the job of pulling the rest out and then ill reroot him as a brunette girl, i must be mad as i really dont like rerooting, it takes about 35 hrs and is so boring and it gives me really awfull back ache but i do like the feeling when its done, i never know how its going to look untill its finished so fingers crossed he will look lovely, i much prefer to use boys to reroot as they seem to have less hair plugs than girls and so it takes less time.....ill take photos of his reroot in progress but im not sure when that will be as there seems to be no time to do anything at the moment !



  1. Hi Sarah,
    He's handsome,and when (he's)finished,she will be gorgeous I am sure,loved all of Steve's dolls too,what a treat !!!
    Chris x

  2. Wonderful gorgeous face, can't wait to see the progress and final result.

  3. Gorgeous face, fabulous eyes, he'll make a beautiful girl. Lucky you.
    Looking forward to seeing 'her' modelling those superb outfits of yours in the very near future.
    Sssha love from Kendal.

  4. She will be a cutie! Congratulations!!!
