In my eyes this girl is the most beautiful girl ive ever seen and i feel very lucky to have her, she looks totally different to all my other saucer eyes, her eyes are loads bigger, i tried to do a close up of her eyes but it didnt turn out too well, the lady who she originally lived with said her eyes were done much in the style of the early crude eyed gotz boys......ive just looked through all the photos i took today and couldnt decide on which to use so ive added a few......

There will be some new sewing soon but i need esme to get back to school untill i can really get in the swing of things again, ive made a few outfits but i want to make a few more before i list them , in the meantime ive been busy, ive done done yet another reroot who looks really sweet and now i just need to make some clothes for her to model and yesterday i wallpapered part of esmes room, ...warning ....if youve never wallpapered before dont try ! i got myself in a right state, covered in glue and paper, the end result is ok but esme says it looks quite scruffy , i didnt think it was too bad for a first attempt but if a 10yr old thinks it looks scruffy i cant have done that good a job !........
Just a thought on these saucer eyed girls, ive been sorting out lots of my stuff that i collect and i found this picture by dallas simpson, these were all the rage in the 60s and they were called wide eyed children, im wondering if they were trying to create this new fashionable commercial look with the saucer eyes before sasha put her foot down and put a stop to it ?