Well its been a long time since ive written on this blog !! ...last year i went back to the hotel ...you may or not remember i had to because of the stressful situation i was in with the tax credits , it all remained really stressful but working 7 days a week kept my mind off it but also kept me busy as i was determined to fight them as their decision was just plain wrong , trouble was the people you appeal to are the people that dont believe you and their minds wont be changed , so in the end i took it to the next stage which was to go to court , i was so frightened and sent off all my evidence ...within a week i heard back , i didnt have to attend court , they believed me , i didnt owe a ridiculous amount of money and hmrc had to pay me £200 compensation , such a weight lifted off me ...working so much left no time for sewing , i planned to sew in january when the hotel shut for winter but then zach the dog died and i couldnt do anything , i was just too heartbroken ...then the virus !!! such a crazy time of uncertainty ...i decided to pull myself together , i couldnt mope about lounging in pjs every day being sad , so i started sewing to keep me busy , then came the lockdown , ive no idea when coach loads of elderly folk will be able to come to cornwall , so looks like ill have lots of sewing time !!! ive been desparately looking for a puppy , i put a deposit down on one and was getting lots of photos sent but it died at 5 weeks !!! just dont think its meant to be at the moment , rich keeps saying to put it out of my head untill this is all over , i just miss zach more than they will ever know ....anyway im just adding pics here of what ive made so far , all destined for ebay in the coming weeks , if i continue making lots , there maybe things for the blog at some stage , just think ill list a few bits at a time on ebay ...hopefully ill put the 4 silk dresses on ebay tomorrow night ...i cant reserve any of these or take orders , just thought itd be nice for people to have new photos to look at .... hope your all ok , stay safe and hopefully next time i write things will be normal again xxxx

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