I have just left a rambling comment on lorraines blog about hanging sasha clothes and when i read it back realised probably that people wouldnt of had a clue what i was on about ! so in the gloom and darkness of today i tried to take some photos to make it clearer....first of all i made some hangers out of thickish wire from a hardware store, you just need some wire clippers then twist the wire into shape....
then i set up some hooks to the bottom of a shelf to make what looks like a washing line, i usually hang the outfits here that ive made but none there today as ive not yet made anything !
i do have lots of clothes in a big box, but this cabinet also comes in handy, its a 16 inch rather elaborate jewellery box (i did plan to paint it to make it look pretty but another project that hasnt been done), i bought it for 50p from a jumble sale and thought it would make a good wardrobe, on the "ceiling" of it there was something for hanging chains which i removed and added a piece of very wonky looking dowling for a hanging rail, there are little slots for shoes in the bottom, the left hand side is for rings but its perfect for hairclips and 3 drawers for socks and undies ....